Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Help please! Song name needed (house music)?

Well, the information that youve given is very vague. There are millions of songs with ur description, and i dont know a single one of them. srry...

Best Pitching Staff in the Majors Right Now?

I have to go with either Boston or Seattle. Any combination of Beckett/Dice-K or Bedard/King Felix would scare the crap out of me if I were the opposition.

How to format a movie title in an MLA paper?

I need to write a paper in MLA format on Saving Private Ryan and Full Metal Jacket, when i write the movie titles in my paper what's the proper format? Italics? Underlining? Quotations? Thanks :D

Movie Title Help?

This movie is about three children, I think there mother left them, they go to stay with the grandmother thats not to nice, they work in the grandmothers garden, its an older movie, i want to say that on of the kids name is sammy, the oldiest girl doesnt get along with the grandma, This is about all i can remember I hope this will get me some answers!

How do you kill a VERY smart virus?

OK I am dealing with an extremely smart, under the radar, virus, that I CANNOT eliminate no matter WHAT I do. I first noticed it when my whole PC suddenly got very slow and I noticed I was having weird script errors. Immediately I tried scanning with AVG and it didn't detect anything. So then I tried System Restore, IT ALSO DIDN'T WORK AT ALL. Whatever restore point I set my PC to, it would fail! Then I noticed that my system stand by option had suddenly disspeared so I knew I was dealing with a smart virus. So after a few days of scanning with various programs such as Norton, Avg, Spyware blaster, Microsoft Security essentials, Malwarebytes, avast, panda internet security, and many more! I decided to quit and just use my recovery disc. When I inserted it into the drive I noticed IT WOULD NOT RUN? Why is this? So then I knew it was a very severe rootkit virus so I used an anti-rootkit program called gmer, and whenever I would perform a scan with it my whole PC would freeze until I manually rebooted it, like the virus was messing with the program. So Ive sort of just had to accept this virus until I can get a new PC but I am very worried if my backups my be infected with this bad virus undetectable virus, because if no security software can detect it, the scans will all come out clean. This virus is scaring me. Is there anymore hope I have of stopping it?

Ares Galaxy problem?

I have download Ares Galaxy and have no problem in searching for music files but once I have a list of files how do I download the one that I select? I used to have Ares Ultra and there was a download on on the top of the screen but there is no on on the window for Galaxy.

Baby names for a girl....?

My sis in law is pregnant and struggling to find a baby girls name... Her surname is Finch, any ideas??? x

Does this piece of land near the mediterranean sea have a name? *Picture included*?

That's generally called the Eastern Mediterranean. It's very significant politically because it now contains Israel, Palestine, the West bank, the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, places of intense religious and political conflict.

What is the difference between nickel-60 and regular nickel? what does the 60 mean?

actually nickel 60 is an isotope which mean to say it has same number of proton as regular nickle but it just that the number of neutron is different whick make it nucleon number to be different with that of regular nickle..

Do i have the right to be angry?

Awww, you're not mommy's little girl anymore and this guy is being a real father and not spoiling you rotten like mommy did. It's good for you.

Why is it that those opposed to the fairness doctrine never know what it actually is?

Hint: it doesn't silence anyone, only ensures that the airwaves - a PUBLIC resource - are open to all.

What's hidden in the vatican?

Is there like a Holy Nuclear missile silo for when Catholicism tries to take over the world or is there like a tunnel to Middle earth where the Pope fights Sauron? What is hidden in Vatican city?

Need help on a physics projectile motion problem, thanks?

An artillery crew wants to shell a position on level ground 35km away. If the gun has a muzzle velocity of 770m/s, to what angle of elevation should the gun be raised?

Really weird farting problem?

haha dude, i dont know what to say to that. dont eat beans and as many cabs, that always increases gas.

Been trying to have a baby for 4 years, having trouble concieving?

Me and my husband have been married for 3 years (I'm 21 he's 22) we've been actively trying to get pregnant for 4 years, just having unprotected and keeping our fingers crossed. My mom tried for 5 years before she got pregnant and the women on my dads side have an even harder time getting pregnant so I'm thinking if there's a problem its hereditary. Anyways he's in the army and deploys a lot so after his next deployment he wants to go to a fertility clinic and see what's wrong, but I'm wondering if maybe I should just by those ovulation tests and have when I'm ovulating and see if that works before we go through all the fertility testing? He got me pregnant when I was 14 but I miscarried and haven't been able to get pregnant again sense. Don't some women who miscarry have trouble getting pregnant again?

Why is consider degrading for women?

Mostly I think its really fear of pain. And, is fairly taboo still so theres some kind of stigma about how "nice girls don't....." , which really is silly

For All God Believers - Can any atheist Refute These Points?

I find that the more words are required, the less the speaker is to be trusted, especially on intellectual prowess.

Does the Ariel in Disney World have a height requirement?

Does the Ariel that sits in Ariel's Grotto in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World have a height requirement like the other princesses? I know she sits so I was wondering if she really needed/had a limit. Thanks!

Car rip off?

My car began stalling out on me last thursday, it is a 2000 chevy impala. I went to townsend chevrolet and they told me that it was my body control module that was causing this and that it would cost me 520.00 to have this installed in my car. That was too high for me so after I paid them 100.00 for "diagnosing" my car i went to Willis Chevrolet with the diagnostic sheet that Townsend brothers had provided. So Willis had installed the body control module for 363.00. I paid them and no later than five minutes after I had left the dealership the car stalled again. So the car was misdiagnosed by Townsend Chevrolet and I am screwed out of 363.00 or am I? I want to know is there anyway that I can make Townsend pay me back for misdiagnosing my car. They had only agreed to pay me back for the 100.00 diagnostic fee which is unbelievable! What should I do I don't have money to throw around or a car to drive to school and work.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why is everyone so pre-occupied with Oprah's uality?

Just because she has a close friendship (that most can be jealous of) and because she has friends who are s (ellen and rosie) doesn't mean that she is gay. And why do people care so much? leave her alone. opinions anyone?

I have roy williams and he has been a disappointment now here he is out for a couple of weeks should i hang on?

Roy Williams out a couple of weeks ? Where did you get that ? He has his bye week and since the Lions just fired Matt Milen, expect some changes for the team. He is supremely talented, so it would be wise to hang on to him and wait till he produces. He has little trade value now and there is no one on the wire close to his level.

Red Jumpsuit apparatus-Cardiff. 14+ID is required but I don't have any:L Will They let me in?

It says on the ticket site that 14+ id is required but i don't haveany....tbf I look older than 14 :L I went to see mcr in bimingham, Went to the underage festval and to funeral for a friend and they all had 14+ age limits I think but it says in caps on the website 14+ EVENT/ ID REQUIRED and that's whats scaring me :L Do you think i'll get in without? Or what else could I do to get in? Reckon they check everyone individually on the way in? :L

Im so pissed i broke my kneecap or something out of anger?

the best thing cud be a punchin bag like you said or sumthing, just anything you can take out your anger on that doesnt leave you hurt or in pain afterwards but yo can still get your agression out on it.

Does anybody know a lot on Darius Morris and Andrew Goudelock? Can they help the Lakers at all?

These are the Lakers draft picks both PGs trying to find out if they could actually help the team. Any opinions?

Please help,my boss have writen me a letter saying i have been stealing his companys money,?

from that letter i replied him with a letter telling him, i didnt steal his money,that he is the one who always takes money from the safe box then atfer some days he will confess to me as her accounts clerk. he will just take the money without letting me know and he will say it only when i ask him. i suprised this time around he didint admit it. by doing that he is saying he wants to demote me to be a cleaner but without any hearing! is it good to do that? please help!

Lssbian hang outs in Baltimore??!!??

Hey there! I am a chubby, fun loving 23 year old Brit who has just moved to Baltimore....where are the fun places wo hang out and make friends? I am new and lonely..and in need of a giggle and some fun! xx

Illegal Tender Soundtrack?

Can anyone please tell me what song is playing when Rick Gonzalez is shooting his gun at some cans for target practice in the film Illegal Tender?

Why are the new generation of Lebanon seems to be a bit normalized with Israel ?

Such as, Pion-Lebense Teez- and its more among the Christian Lebanese,I'm not saying its bad, and I'm not saying its good either but I;m wondering, is it coming from a long-thinking process that is based on mutual interests and benefits between the two states ? or is it coming from religious views? or based on desperation of the whole situation as far as Arab-Israel conflict ?

Are you a bigot? Your words will say a lot....?

Bigot huh? People being Christian isn't a problem for me. But Christians who try to impose their beliefs on others who believe something different, then that's when they appear racist religious wise.

We're being threatened by an attorney over middle school bullying. Is there really a case here?

ive been in the same situation it was solved when everyone was sick of the bully and black listed him. I hope it doesn't take as long for your brothers situation to be resolved. Go to court and present your evidence, get as many witnesses as you can you will win.

If the biological premise for race is no longer according to geneticist...?

mainstream media, and schools in America , because there is only a .17% percent difference... then the same logic and reasoning must be applied to dogs as well, right? I mean there cannot possibly be other breeds of dogs because the percentage is even less than that of the differences between humans. Lets just take the Politically correct crap to the limit here. If this is all true and anyone referring to race is branded a racist in the school system, then why does the government have no difficulty distinguishing race when Affirmative Action is envoked? Or college grants are given out?

Who is the best guitarist?

i love playing guitar its the best thing in the world i dunno were we would be without music whats ur opinion...hu is the greatest guitar player ............hendrix zepplin and cobain are pretty high

Why are tns stars so underrated?

booker t and sting should have been wwe ages ago.. so many more names.... I think the beautiful people can either own tna like they do or take a shot at wwe.

Nutri-System versus Atkins?

One More diet questions today and that is it I promise! I was wondering if anyone had tried both of these diets and which one worked best and why? I have not tried nutri-system but I was reading some information on the web site and it does not look too bad. I am in desperate need of dropping 20 pounds by February 10th (getting married!). Please no exercise advice or telling me why atkins is bad for my health. Thanks so much!

Is it possible to get a static shock from a flower?

I was on a walk with my mom this morning, and I stopped to smell some pretty flowers on a tree. Well, I had an unplesant surprise that felt like a strong static shock on the tip of my nose. I don't know why, but I always thought plants wouldn't be very good conductors of electricity. Is it possible to get a shock from them?

Helpless with difficult daughter?

you're gonna take away & not give her anything that shew wants until her nice side comes back. do you remember how fun potty training was? you have to be stern & very tough. if it's not done now....think of future

How pathetic am Is my life?

I won't be doing anything for Halloween today because my mom is too busy watching a U2 concert on YouTube and all of my friends are too cool to trick or treat. So tonight I'll just sit in front of my computer and look at lewd pictures of women while all the girls dress in slutty for one day of the year.

Should i be friends with.........?

i wouldn't trust them because they might do the same thing to you. i would just be a friend but not a close friend where you tell them everything.

How do I deal with an immature brother?

My brother is 25, but acts like a 13 year old with no manners. The guy talks about crude things like toilet talk all the time (farting, etc), and is a slob. He will wear a stained t-shirt for days instead of cleaning it. He never dated, because he thinks saying stuff like hey baby wanna go back to my place and do it to girls he never met is a pickup line. When I was younger and started dating, I did my best to try and avoid bringing her around him and could play his lack manners off as being a kid who hasn't grown up yet. The thing is now that he's 25 and I'm getting more serious into dating, and they wanna meet my family they are gonna wanna meet my family and eventually gonna have to meet him. I don't want her to be so turned off by him that she runs the other way, its embarring. I have tried to talk to him before, and he doesn't listen. What do you think?

Are they basically firing me?

Get a new job. I don't think its professional for people to hire their own family. Things are too comfortable, less workable. It's just a mess. Find somewhere else to work.

Are quotes supposed to be italicized? (MLA style)?

Quotes are generally not italicized; hence the use of quotation marks is called for. However, if the quote is in a language other than the one in which you are writing then italics would be used; but the translation would be without italics and without quote in parentheses, or supplied as a numbered footnote.

Hey girls, help?

there's this girl i like. she's amazing, and i talk to her all the time on myspace. we go to the same school and we hav one cl together. i try really really hard to be nice to her and i really think im getting to her. the problem is, there's this..... banquet i hav to go to with my hockey team. its the end of the year thing, and all my teammates bring girls, and i dont want to be left out. i really wanna ask this girl i like, but im not positive if she'll wanna go. i told her i had a surprise for her (im gunna ask her) but wat are some things i can say that will make her say yes? i really want her to come, but wat are some things that will make her fall for me?

How are muslims represented in crime media?

they are shown to be radicals only, and it fools lots of people into believing that Muslim=Terrorist like, for example, Losasha.

How to go to college for less?

I'm only in 9th grade at the moment, but after taking the PSAT I've been looking at colleges to attend. Unfortunately, a majority of the colleges I would like to go to cost quite a bit of money. The one I'm thinking about at the moment costs (in total) about $56,000. I feel like that's a ridiculous amount of money to pay for college, but like I said, all of the colleges I'm considering cost somewhere in that range. It's not that my parents can't exactly afford that much money (my dad's a lawyer and my mom owns her own business that does really well). I just don't feel like I should be asking them to shell out that much money for four years in a row. I could take out a loan, but since I'm planning on going to medical school afterwards, I'd have one huge loan. I want a way to be able to pay for the majority of my college. I'm thinking about majoring in either Biology or Biochemistry at the moment. Also, I'll play clarinet in college band, but I won't be going to school for the sole purpose of playing my instrument. My question now is: What scholarship opportunities can I take advantage of to lessen the cost of college?

Should a father get to help decide how a newborn is fed?

If a woman has fed one child for 6 months, disliked it, and is now having a second baby which she wants to only formula feed, should the husband be able to insist on nursing? If there's not a monetary problem and the baby takes well to formula, does the husband have an equal say in this?

Why my 1 year son is not growing ?

Gee this type of question is extremely difficult to answer for anyone even a trained medical professional. Your country, KUWAIT has pretty good relations with us AMERICA. My advice to you is to seek professional help at one of our military bases there. Maybe they can help directly or refer you to some one that will help you. Your country is very wealthy and should have plenty of the support you need. If for any reason you cannot afford medical istance contact the "International Red Cross" or "Saint Jude Hospital for children" in AMERICA. "Surf" the Internet. God bless you and your child.

NJ LLC Quarterly Sales Tax Over Due?

if you have at least one voucher left to pay, you might pay it all in that one, hopefully avoid late payment fees

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bf problems?!?

This is a good example of why 13 yr olds should not be concerned about boyfriends/girlfriends. Hormones are beginning to move very fast in the body and attraction to the opposite seems to become the number one thing in your life. Your feelings will change many times before you reach 18. What you are feeling now is "puppy love" because these boys are paying attention to you. Be very honest with yourself when answering these questions: Why do I like him (them) and why does he (they) like me? A few months is not long enough to get to know a person and all about him/her. Even adults will admit that. You are at the age when you need to concentrate on school, go out with friends in a group, and be having some fun.

Why do i suck at armored core?

I'm playing armored core nexus on ps2 and i totally suck . i just get killed so easily; especially projectiles just hit and hit me continuously. i can't seem to dodge them its just like bangbangbangbangbang dead. is there some particular techniques i should be using to get out of the way? should i increace armour? what's the trick?

Breaking hymen, ladies??

is losing ur virginity the only way to break ur cherry? cuz ive heard you can while playing sports.. is there any other way to break it so itll be less painfull for when the time comes?

I need help finding this boardshort!!!!?

it's called the hurley penelope boardshort. I've been looking every were for it but i can't find it. There was one at alloy but they don't have it anymore. So if you find it please say if you did. Also the shorts need to be size xs.Thank you!!!!

How to get rid of an itching backside?

For about a month now i've had a slight redness around my and it itches now and then. It's not painful, just feels like ive sat on a stinging nettle at times! I'm not bleeding, nothing unusual in other ways, it's just a small rash kind of thing. I think it was caused by a reaction to an all over body spray i used which caused a stinging sensation when some ran down my back. It's quite an annoying problem but nothing terrible, any ideas how to cure it? I dont think it's piles or worms as it doesn't seem that bad, it's only when walking i feel it, sitting is fine.

Before Obama's photo op at the Ft. Hood ceremony will there be a few "shout outs" to the usual suspects?

What about a "shout out" to Ronnie for bringing down the Berlin Wall, I bet that won't happen.

Why are the baptist and extreme protestant churches scared of catholicism?

I am not sure if they are scared. But it is clear that these extreme protestants hate the Catholics. This is mainly due to Satan's influence on them. Since the protestants separated from the mystical body of Christ, they have been easly misled by Satan. They are so confused that they continue to splinter into so many disagreeing denominations, about 33,000 denominations today. The extremists, or the fundies, are hard-core anti-Catholic. Many of them are agents of Satan whether they are aware of it or not.

How do I explain to my black female friend that she is acting stupidly?

Yes I know a guy who is a fast learner and everything. He is a living whiz and because he got into Harvard they say because he is black..........its sad all the studying and hard work they make it as they just placed him there. Affirmative action was made because blacks who are highly smart and past the test and requirements still didn't get in and proof was noted because they were black. Thats all it is....not a easy ticket its just saying if we have what we need to succeed like any other race we should be allowed a chance too. I have been searching for a job for six months, I understand I didn't get a job because I may lack the skills. Affirmative action is really give us a chance too if we have the skills and what is needed. Tell her to ignore them and cheer up : )

Angle of rotation, & symmetry?

The first picture has no rotational symmetry. The second picture has rotational symmetry along the x axis (horizontally through the middle). The Third picture has vertical and horizontal symmetry though the x and y axis

Physics Tension Homework?

A 9.00 kg hanging weight is connected by a string over a pulley to a 5.00 kg block that is sliding on a flat table (Fig. P5.10). The string is light and does not stretch; the pulley is light and turns without friction. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sliding block and the table is 0.214. Find the tension in the string.

Would the loss of Ethanol have a major impact on the US?

If we were to no longer have ethanol due to some catastrophy, woulld there be a major impact on the United States?

DNA and RNA?

1:ribonocleic acid 2:pantoz (they have 5 carbons) 3:- 4:in the core of the cell and also in cloroplast and mitokondria there is DNA and both in sytoplasm and core there is RNA.(sorry;i dunno english so you may dont understand)

How come there's so many racism about Tiger Wood?

Likewise, some people insulted like "Go back to ur country and ur too ugly or something but why??

Is gas going up across the nation or just El Paso?

Gas is almost two dollars a gallon in El Paso. I was told that the price stayed the same throughout Texas and the nation. Are other Texans or Americans paying the same?

Anyone have some good reading suggestions?

i just read john dies at the end and LOVED it. i also like kurt Vonnegut's breakfast of champions and chuck palahniuks fight club and lullaby. does anyone have a book you recently read that you think i might like? let me know! thanks :)

How do I cite MLA research paper?

No, you'll be fine with just the in-text citation and a works cited page. You don't need any footnotes.

How to show a cat he is not the boss? Any website?

You should check out this article: a href="http://www.felinexpress.com/cat-behavior/aggressive-cat-behavior.asp" rel="nofollow"http://www.felinexpress.com/cat-behavior…/a

Can you recommend me some music to me?

I prefer punk rock bands. Don't recommend metal, because honestly, I just don't like metal. And don't recommend artists like MCR, BrokeNCYDE, Black Veil Brides, and Nickelback either because we all know ( except for some people ) they suck. Also, pop punk and punk bands like the Buzzs and the Dead Kennedys are okay. If they're not punk, pop punk, or I don't really care. As long as they're not country, pop ( like Katy Perry ), crunkcore, R&B, techno, screamo, or emo they're okay.

What song do you want played at your funeral?

I want "welcome to the black parade" by MCR because it says "your memory will carry on in it" and I love the song or I would want some MCR song played because i LOVE them :]

Can anyone to a successful community residential and business arrangement that has worked in the long-term?

Some friends and I are considering forming a community of people that pool their resources to buy property and embark on community business ventures. These are individuals that would like to live in community for the sake of community. We would like the environment to be a place that people would raise their families and children in. We would like it to be long term. We would like to explore collective health insurance. We would like to invest collectively for retirement and for college. We would pool resources to work in and fund business ventures. We would combine resources for child care and some food. We are hoping the environment would grow to the point that it could take over a small apartment building, but it would begin in a house. Does anyone know of anywhere that this is being tried.

Am i pregnant? should i take a test?

i thought my period was starting [it wasnt a heavy flow] but my boyfriend wanted to have anyway... so we had unprotected , & he came in me twice... anyway my period stopped the next day, & hasnt came back on... could I have gotten pregnant? we had like 2 weeks ago but that was protected... so im thinking could i have gotten pregnant, is that why my period stopped? should i wait and take a test? we really want a baby, so...hopefully i am?

What do you think of this?I believe in creationism....?

its called quantum physics. it's science that explains subatomic particles and the behavior of atoms.

Green Fishnet Gloves (really long ones) or One Green Glove?

I'm entering the mcr halloween killjoy competition thingy, and what im wearing for it already is baggy jeans, a brown dress thingy (short sleeved) and a denim jacket (also short sleved, and i think its pretty cool... anyways), but i feel like i need somthing on my arms really, and i can pick between bright green fishnet gloves (they go all the way up my arms) or one darker green glove (a normal glove) - I don't have two because i lost the other one :(... or do you think both might be good? and, one on each arm is an option but i think that'll look stupid...

When money is exhanged in a different country and converted to their currency, what exactly does that mean?

For example USD$1 = 1,967 Colombian Peso. So does that mean I would have $1,967 in Colombia or just that in their country that is equal to our dollar so it would be like saying the price on a pop that is $1 in the states would have a price tag in Colombia sayin 1,967. Or would $100 in the states make you $100,000 richer in Colombia. I'm really confused....

Can we get a car loan???????/?

Me and my girlfriend want to get a new car we've had are junker for nearly 2years and is not real dependable and is nickle and dimin us. If got 2 credit cards(400 and a 800 limit) never been late on anything and she has one(500 limit) also has never been late r bills are 299 for rent 100 for cable/Internet 100 for cell 70 for insurance and about 40 for electric. I bring home after taxes 1000 a month and she brings home around 600 she also gets 3000 every 3 months for finacial aid. Were only 19 and were not sure if we could get aprroved for a car cuz r credit is short but I'm willing to pay a high intrest cuz we have no co signer. So plz help can we get a loan? If so for how much? If not explain so I can understand thanks

Was the Rosie Boycott in America?

I'm doing a research project on the Feminist Movement, if you have any other details or any information to give me I would be appreciating it greatly. I'm basing my project on the American Feminist Movement from the late 1800's to the late 1900's. Thanks for all the help! P.s. Any links would be awesome as well! :)

Do you think that the KC Chiefs are getting better under Todd Haley?

Are the Chiefs getting better or worse? Also, do you think that the win against Pittsburgh was lucky or did they try their hardest? This is your opinion so please don't slam others on their answers.

Is the idea that god doesn't exist the inconceivable?

Enlightenment has absolutely nothing to do with any gods or religions. It is only about ourselves. We are the gods that we are looking for. We simply forgot who we truly are. I've been down the path of religion. It is false. True spirituality is within oneself. That is enlightenment. Waking up to the knowledge that you, me, we are all one. No gods, devils, heavens or hells. Just us. :)))

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Help in English: are there other ways to say in English..?

"Seeing that you have asked me to keep you a of the particulars, I'll tell you the latest news on it".

Are these good names for story characters?

Not really a fan of Hayden Oliver (maybe Hayden Johnathon?), or Judah Evans (Judah Alexander?). All the others sound good!

Star wars politics ques.?

watching star wars series agian but am very confused by the alliance politics and which side is the bad and which is good and why they keep changing? I'm even confused as to if "the Empire" is the good guys or the bad guys. then they throw out the terms rebel alliance, federation, and sepertisis. can someone please explain to me whos who and which fractions are good and which are bad. (i know luke is good and vader is bad but they throw all these alliance goups names out there). thanks

Upon what basis are Jehovah's Witnesses who are not of the anointed saved? Good works, heart condition or what?

This question is directed to those Jehovah's Witnesses who are not of the anointed (born again of the Holy Spirit) and who are not in the New Covenant (which means your sins have not been forgiven) and who do not want to be with the Lord in heaven: Upon what basis are you saved?

Is the USA letting Potential Terrorist Muslims in Because we need OIL? Is that why we grant them Residency?

Judging by your words/mindset, you don't have much faith in your government and its abilities to protect its people, abide by its laws, have fair but strict immigration regulations, and you have little knowledge of the differences between the UK and US immigration policies, support next to nothing regarding the words written on the Statue of Liberty or what this nation stands for, and based on your subject title, one could ume that you have this interesting idea that the Muslim's country of origin pays us a fee for admitting them by using oil as collateral.

Should i trade Reggie Bush for Ladanian tomlinson?

I would also keep Bush, your friend is trying to get you to bite the deal because Tomlinson is one of the best runningbacks in NFL history and Bush definitely isn't. The thing here though, is the age difference. Tomlinson is well past his prime. He's not the lead back for the Jets and the most he'll be is a third-down back and he'll get the occasional goal-line and short-yardage carry. He's a low-end flex option. Bush comes with a lot more potential. He's young, and with Lynell Hamilton injured, Bush may get even more carries than expected. He's also a good receiver out of the backfield, so he's a double-threat on offense.

Why have i started twitching?

i have been twitching alot latley- i dont know why usualy its when i am reading or texting right before bed- my shoulder will jump of my arms will jump forward or my hand will twitch to the right. and yesterday i saw something realy shoking at lunch (2 girls making out) and ever since then when ever my mind remembers it i will star twitching... i mean i usualy shake my head kinda like a dog (its symbolic- i do it when i want to "shake" a thought out of my head) but come on- this is crazy.

Redemption. Is she still interested?

Okay, so I met this freshman girl in my history cl. I had seen her from the first day of school but it took two months for me to actually talk to her. It was because we were igned to do a project together. Me, being an idiot, didn't even talk to her even until out of school and when I did, it was on AIM. Now, at first she kinda liked the way I acted on the computer. The first few days she would talk to me in cl, but I would get a little bit embared and shrug her off. I think she caught me staring at her a few times. One day she said bye to me as we left cl, but I pretended not to hear her and shrug it off. 'thus, one night when we talk online, she said she can't be friends with people who talk on the computer and not in person. I try ot chill with her after school, but she said she doesn't want to. She IMs me a few times, which lets me know she's interested. However, she keeps saying she likes outgoing people. How can I redeem myself?

Tetra Submersible Heaters?

2-15 Gallon. Are they supposed to be on at all time? I jus got one for my tank. And the first time i plugged it in the tank it got warm immediatly but now the water is cold. is it supposed to do this?

Can anyone recommend a good quality feather quilt..what is the differance in feathers etc?

im so confused,i would like to bye good quality bed quilt.i am getting confused with ,hungaren feathers and down,,white goose feather and down etc etc...is there really a differance in a �60 quilt and a �400 quilt...please help thanks

Crock pot recipes for desserts using mixes?

I heard that the cooking channel shared a recipe showing a dessert made in crockpot. The chef used a cake mix and instant oatmeal mix. I'm intrested in any desserts made in crock pots.

I Need Math Help Bad! {8th grade}?

woah haha all i can tell you is do a table. Have one column say miles, another one say hour, and another one say time. honestly, I cant remember how to do that aha all i know is making tables helps

Has anyone ever had Hersheys cream Green Tea filled Milk chocolate bars?

I found these things once in chocolae world in hershey PA. They are to die for... would love to know where to buy them!

Why are people so cynical when they ask me what I am majoring in and I reply. "Psychology and Pre-med."

Jealous. Keep up the hard work because it is. Career choices are most fulfilling when you have a calling to help people. That you make a decent living doing it, is a bonus.

Tt[insert increasing number].tmp.vbs appearing in Temp folder with 0 bytes, Avira is detecting it,what do Ido?

Avira Antivirus Guard detects "tt4.tmp" or "tt4.tmp.vbs" (these are examples) then either I quarantine, or delete, or deny access, then the file disappears, but then 5 or so minutes later at regular intervals it reappears, but with an increase in the number. It shows up as having no data, and can be deleted, but it reappears, even when I'm not connected to the Internet. I've run CCleaner, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, and Avira Antivirus system scans, deleted the detected files, but seems to have no effect. The tmp.vbs files don't seem to do any harm but is completely annoying. It is detected by Avira as a TR/Fakescanner.F Trojan or a VBS Script file. Is it possible it's not a virus and is legit? Is there any way to make Avira's Guard automatically delete/deny access/ or quarantine?

The Blue Jays just signed Alex Gonzalez to a one-year contract. What do you think the Red Sox will do now..?

Well, this means that the Jays aren't going to re-sign their old shortstop Scutaro so maybe the Red Sox can get him which would be an improvement. Gonzalez did better than expected as a fill-in last year for the Red Sox but he was a really awful hitter in Cincinnati before he came to the Sox so I'm not sure if they could count on his good production next year. I really feel they need to upgrade at the shortstop position unless Lowrie's ready to take over. If they could get Scutaro for 1 or 2 years that would be a good move.

What is "Johns friends" real name? (Terminator 2)?

In the beginning of the movie, John's red head friend (boy), what is his real name? He's also in honey I shrunk the kids...

What kind of computer can I build for 300$?

Im pretty sure all you would need is a motherboard hard drive and Ram And looks like a video card and you would a have a computer ready in no time. It wouldn't cost that much either.

Does this make since? Went in ffor car loan with bad credit and co-signer, walked out with no car!?

Went in today to a dealership (carmax) thinking that my family will finally have a larger car, since we are expecting our second child. We do not have the best credit because of past mistakes but are working on it. We have a co-signer with great credit, so we thought we had it. Well, we were told that my co-signer qualified just fine for us to get the car but our credit was bad, that it why we couldn't get it. Duh! Isn't that the purpose of a co-signer? Then they tell us that our score is 115 points lower than what we know it is (we pay monthly for our credit score from the 3 leading places). Does this make any since at all? I have never heard of having a co-signer with great credit, but because that person didn't have good credit, they couldn't get a car. I am very confused and angry!


The Twin Forks packing plant is developing a new type of can that will contain peaches. The can is made of a special alloy that reduces the number of preservatives needed to keep the fruit fresh. If the can has to have a volume of 300 cm^3, determine the radius, height, and minimum surface area needed to manufacture the most cost effective can.

If religion is the source of morality, how come certain brain injuries will change people's moral behavior?

Just because people are alcoholics or sociopaths doesn't mean we just p it off as a mental disorder and let them go on without holding them accountable. Sin has brought about a whole lot of evil in this world, and personality altering brain injuries are one of those evils.

Snowboard/ski team name?

i have a snowboard/ski team. everything is cool, except we don't have a logo or name. what should it be?

Question 18 is it B, 20?

a href="http://www.move-on.org.uk/downloadsFile/download738/Num_Level2_TestI_Nov04.pdf" rel="nofollow"http://www.move-on.org.uk/downloadsFile/…/a

Does this sum up the right for the last two years``````````````?

you finish a 12 hour shift at work, as you walk home, people start calling you Bible Clinger, Astro Turf, right wing extremists, so you and some friends go to Washington to ask whats going on and you are called a Tea Bagger, then you come back home and try to figure out what caused all this, who's behind it all and what do they want


I read The Coffin Quilt a few years ago. It details the feud between two families in the Western US during the late 1800s. I remember very few details except that it was a relatively short read, but I enjoyed it.

Since a majority of blacks support?

Because it's the moral equivalent of saying, "We know you can't hadle things like getting a job on your own, so we're here to help".

Friday, November 11, 2011

What do you think about my decision?

my teacher won a free SAT cl for my 11th grade English cl owrth $2,000 a person. its every friday for 7 weeks, 3 hours each time. i've been to two cles so far and I haven't really learned anything. he shows us how to do problems that are insanely easy for me and it gets really frustrating b/c a lot of his techniques don't work for me. i don't really mark up my reading pages which i'm "supposed to" but i got 97th percentile for reading for the PSAT so i must be doing something right. we got two big books for the cl and i think i will just use the books to study on my own. i honestly think i would learn a lot more that way. people are giving me cr*p about it, but i've tried it out for 6 hours and it isn't really working for me. i can't stand listening to a 3 hour lecture because i'm one of those people who study best when i'm on my own. i know it's worth a lot of $, but if it doesn't really help me, i see it as just a waste of time. (plus i will use their books which are worth prob $50)

Is there any way you can sharpen automatic eyeliner?

Gross and kind of pointless, but if I absolutely need a point, I just twist it down low and twirl it between my fingers. It makes a small point, but honestly, I think the only way to get a sharp point is to use a pencil.

How thick for conrete water tank?

How thick would a water tank made out of slightly (i.e., chicken wire) reinforced concrete have to be to support the weight of about 10k gallons of water? (dimentions of tank to be 9ft radius, 5.5ft height) Any help would be greatly appreciated. (this is for a remote water project)

Persons who deny evolution as a "fallacy", can you tell me the role of tRNA in the synthesis of proteins?

tRNA stands for trinity RNA. It's a type of RNA that is three different things at the same time, but also is not three different things at the same time. tRNA magically makes proteins by speaking them into existence. Oh, but the tRNA does not actually talk - that would be as silly as having a donkey talk, or a flame in bush talk, or a serpeant talk.

How many objective lenses are there in a normal microscope?

Normally there are three to four. They include: 4X, 10X, 40X, and 100X. Normally, you will not need to know about the oil immersion objective lens until you are in a upper level biology course.

I grew so attached to my dog and now they've taken him away will they ever give him back?

What kind of dog? When you do get him back please make sure that you take him to at least some sort of basic obedience and get him properly socialized. You always have to make sure that your dog is leashed at all time when out in public. You never know how they will react to strangers. Good luck.

Have you heard of any cool, retro, funk names for boys?

You know i want an unusual name for my boy,something cool but tuff kinda like Rex, or Zuma, like gwen stefanis kid lol so whats up any help out? thanks guys/girls :)

Need help with workout nutrition?

i started working a year ago and now lift 15 more lbs and feel alot stronger. anyways my friend said eat 4-6 times a day and dont' work out everyday for better results. i've went from 123-128 in a month and i dont know if this is in fat i do total body workouts every other day can you look at my diet and see if i could change anything. workout day: 1st meal cereal-milk-fruit-oj or milk (or eggs and toast) 6:40 2nd-homemade granola bar with water 11:30 3rd- pb/banana/raisin/jelly/honey and almonds very crunchy sandwich (personal creation) with water 1:40 workout (2:00-4:20) 4th-on whey protein drink 5th supper- 7:30 (cant say what i have but it's usually veg and meat and crap like that) off day: 1st meal-same 2nd-same 3rd-same 4th-supper 7:30 is this ok or should i adjust it sometimes i have a smoothie for breakfast thanks for all your help i dont want to be ugly fat but i want to be muscular thanks for your help (i was fat when i was a little kid i dont use whey in morn just pb/b

Are you weary from trying to be strong all of the time, and ready to give in?

It is difficult to keep knocking and never getting an answer. Or worse yet, getting a response and having the door slammed in your face.

Has anyone been to a Bon Jovi concert?

they probably pale in comparison now, relative to their Slippery When Wet and New Jersey supporting tours

Email from uk lotto headquarters conf i have won some money. is this a scam?

on checking my emails i received an email from uk lotto head quarters telling me i have won a considerable amount of money. i have to email back to a particular person. as im new to the internet how do i know if this not a scam. can anyone advise me. i have been given an email address to reply back to.

Japan japan japan japan japan need information about japan?

I don't do homework ignments for lazy little kids. Try Google or Wikipedia for the info you want. Now, run along.

Why is a liberated and modern woman viewed as dominating and stubborn? ?

There is a difference between being a strong woman with a backbone and self-respect, and being pig-headed and rude! Many woman who call themselves 'liberated' and 'modern' tend to veer off into that direction. If you have self-respect and you marry someone who respects you and you do the same, there is NO REASON to call yourself that. A man that is dominant and chauvinistic , is no man at all really.

I cant ollie,ive been trying for at least 5 years and still nothing.?

5 years without being able to ollie? Im surprised your still trying. Im uming youve watched how to do videos on youtube and such. other than that theres not much to do kid but practice

Why one of my Zebra Finch pair has thrown their egg out of their nest? what should i do?

Note i haven't been peeking into their nest.what could be the reason and how should i make sure they don't do the same again.

Do you feel gagged by Yahoo Trolls and moderators?

I certainly do and that's why this is a backup account,already had one question removed by a troll yesterday for calling a Jew a Jew!!but he will get the same treatment when me and my contacts see him ask or post a question.I think Yahoo answerrs is getting a bit sad and tiresome with all this pc nonsense,what do you think?

Can I add rocks from my garden to my tank? (and other things from outside)?

Using rocks from your garden should be fine! Just make sure that you rinse them off in hot water before putting them in your betta's tank. Make sure that the rocks don't have sharp edges that could hurt your bettas fins! Oh and don't use any soap or cleaning aids to clean the rocks or anything in your bettas tank!

ARE YOU CZECH?! or are you from..family related?

CC is wrong anyway, because "Czechoslovakian" means "a citizen of Czechoslovakia". You can be (or could be, before the country split up) Czechoslovakian without being a Czech, and Czech without being Czechoslovakian.

How recent are navy urinalysis?

In february my friend had a birthday party, i didnt know she put marijuana in the cake and i was wondering that if i went to meps it would show up? i was too scared to tell my recruiter. also, do they do blood test at boot camp? i went to meps last year and i ped everything, i was in the dep program and i go back to meps in august. do you think i will p?

Legislative,judicial, and legislative?

omg i have to find an article showing either legislative,judicial, or legislative in action. does anyone no a good website or have an article tat would good for this ignment.tyvm

Can Obama salute servicemen and servicewomen, since he was never in the service?

Anyone can salute a service official. I was in ROTC in High School and was showed how to do it properly. It is a show of respect. I would find it disrespectful if someone does'nt do it in the presence of a service man or woman.

Need help to install iTunes!?

I am trying to install iTunes for my iPod Nano ( 16gb) to start and I am getting messages that there isn't enough space on my c drive. I dont have a clue what i can get rid of and what I can't, also I am almost computer illiterate! Any one that can help with advice would be appreciated!

Does anyone else feel like american idol competition is over?

Like I mean with Allison Iraheta gone, it seems like it's just a boring show. I don't know why but it seems like Adam won't even win with all these people saying Kris or Danny should win. Plus there are all guys left and it's no fun anymore. I felt so excited last week because Allison was still here and now this week, everything feels so boring because you already know either Adam will win or something surprising will happen...I wanted to see the two rockers battle it out. Anyone agree? Or are you still as excited as before?


china fired that last missile seen over los angeles?, hmmmm, didn't I see this happen in the past a couple times?,and wayne madsen who is of some credentiality but also who has sources in WASHINGTON DC ure us on alex jone's live show that this is no lie, but what if we know better!, what if peace prevails?!, what if the elitists miss and the world as we know it does not get taken over by them? wayne madsen says china is seeing about what the u.s government thinks about how close they can come to starting an all out global thermo nuclear war?!!?? for what? the Lord our Savior asks everyone who loves the living God to follow him, find followers, pray for others, essentially remain every bit as peaceful toward our fellow man and alot more now that we know he is on his way back to this world to judge the people of the earth, amen!

What's your worst PDA story?

Oh my god. My ex boyfriend Louis texted me one time and told me we we weren't aloud to have PDA. lolll. Douche.

Pertaining to the speed of the planet relative to a spaceship?

I was wondering that since the Earth moves around the sun at a speed of 67, 000 mph, discounting the speed of the solar system and the galaxy etc (which is somewhere around 1000 km per second) would that mean that any spacecraft leaving earth would be moving at a base speed of 67, 000 mph? wouldn't earth speed away or is the spaceshutttle basically barreling through space at mach 500 or something to that effect? Isn't there something better I could be thinking about at 7:30 in the morning? no.

Financial Aid Question..?

So here's the story. My mother ped away when I was in junior high, and I've been told by many people that because of that I shouldn't have to pay that much to attend college. However, my boyfriend is in the Navy, and we were thinking about getting married. He is wary that if we do I won't get anything because of my deceased parent status and we will end up paying more than we need to. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice. Personally, I think getting married is the best choice, because a) we will be with each other, b) we wouldn't have to pay for housing or utilities, so we would save money there, c) if he gets stationed somewhere else I automatically go with. He thinks that staying unmarried is better so I have to file the fafsa with my dad. Does anyone have any advice on this? It would be sooo greatly appreciated.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Can you give me some music suggestions?

I absolutley love music like Untouched - the veronicas and My Delirium-Ladyhawke and im completely addicted to Lady Gaga. can anyone give me some good suggestions for music like that?

The core i7 965 is approximately 12 times faster then the sempron in real world tasks?

If all aspects of a i7 were equaled to a Sempron the i7 would perform 1.86 times the speed of the Sempron due to more instructions existing on the i7.

What else?

Somethig to carry him/her in. Like a sling or front pack. It was the only way I got ANYTHING done the first few weeks.

Today someone distracted me at the cash point and i took too long getting my cash so the machine swallowed my?

money, it ate it back up as i didnt take it in time. does that mean the transaction actually went through on my account and i lost the money or was it just cancelled as the machine knows it swallowed it presumably?

Can someone make a bib for this site MLA style?

I think that you need more info for that like the date it was retrived and who is the editor, the publihser's name and when it was published. if you give that info maybe it would be easier to put it in mla style. also search it up on google.

Dont you hate it when this happens? hellpp?

i was textin someone. we were getting along so good but he never replies till minutes or a hour later. thats why i hate textin, you never know when theyll reply. and if i text him i'll sound desperate. so i have to wait till he replies. UGH !!

Poll on where I should get my tattoo?

If it is your first tattoo then get it where you can see it easily so that you can know what it looks like during the healing process and it will be easier to take care of. I think it would be a good shaped tattoo for either your ankle or your hip.

NaHCO3 Electrolysis Products?

I would agree, at least in part, with your hypothesis. The fact that gases were seen at both electrodes suggests that an oxidation/reduction reaction was occurring in solution. However, something else was going on. A blue solution is typical for solutions of Cu^2+. A light blue or blue-green solid could be something like CuCO3 or Cu(OH)2. The precipitate's color could have been modified by the color of the solution. You would need to do more research on the compounds produced and on the deep blue solution to know what was actually happening. Also, you need to capture the gases produced at each electrode and yze those as well. Once you know those things you will have a much better idea of what you actually saw.

Is it a coincidence that the same companies Geithner meets with regularly will be exempt from new finance rule?

NO coincidence there it is called graft, yet in the corrupt 0bama administration its called business as usuall

While visiting my former hometown I've met a woman but I am in a relationship.The thing is we argue 2 much!

I've fallen head over heels in love with the new woman.I can't think of anything else but I barely know her.But there's something that I can't put my finger on.She hypnotized me or put a spell on me.

DoD Decency act?

Do you think the DoD Decency act is right? Basicly the act prohibits the sale of obscene material at On-Base Exchanges. Currently Playboy, all Playboy special editions, Penthouse, Tatoos, and Bikers are allowed, but other ographic magazines are not? Every 5 years a commision approves or denies magazines, the "explicit" are not allowed, "tastefull" are. Do you think this is right?

Missed some birth control pills last month, no period this month...Am I pregnant?

there could be a change.. or if you take birth control to have regular periods like i do then there could a change you will just go back to having regular periods in a short time... but if you think you are go the hospital and get blood drawn. so then you know. hop this helps and and hope everything turns out ok.

Im 21 he's 32... too old to date?

Since he is a former and not a current proffesser there should be no conflict of interest. However, the age is rather big, your generation is different and it may be hard for you to understand him and vice versa, he may just view you as a kid and not give you the level of respect you deserve, seeing how he is a seasoned proffesional. His attraction may on a pure ual level, you never know. From an experience my cousin had, she was in the same situation and went for it, it turned out to be a horrible experience for her. Having his stature as a proffesser he attracted many ex students and ended up basically cheating around on her due to his "power" as a proffesser. I think it would be a very very difficult thing to manage on both ends of the relationship. I will not go so far as to say it is completely impossible, but it would take some exceptional dedication and flexibility. Best of luck to you whichever you may choose, just know your choices have consequences. Make sure you can handle them

Has anyone won a Burger King prize while scratching the Spiderman web instead of Venom?

I've been to Burger King a few times and every prize has been next to Venom and I'm now at the point of my results being statistical outlier. I'm sure it's the same as a Roulette table going on an extended run, but it's still freaky.

Favorite At&t Full Keyboard?

I have the iPhone and it isn't bad at all. I love it. I also had the blackberry pearl and the keyboard was really easy to use.

Poem my Darkest Days do you like it.?

I liked this poem much and i think it's good and i have seen you do happier ones also.I am sad that people like that girl are so nasty when answering our questions' as there is no need for it really.I know this is a poem and nothing else' as that what poets do' famous ones and not famous like you and i lol Cya

Does adding salt to an aquarium hurt the other freshwater fish?

I have a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium that currently consists of a gourami, mini angelfish, lemon tetra, platy, and guppy. As my last fish I want to get a balloon molly, and before I get a fish I always do research on them. One thing that I read was that mollies need salt in their aquarium, so first my question above and second do mollies really need salt to live? (and by live I mean a happy life)

Why do people on YouTube apparently have to be motivated by thumbs-up to do something?

They just want attention, they never do it anyway and I honestly don't understand the people who actually do thumbs it up anyway.

Please help me with a title and C/c, ty?

This poem and the Professor's should become textbook clics. What profoundly lovely, spiritual,and moving works they both are. I am so proud of you, Benny, and you too, Professor. I am in awe of you both. I just have no more words, and these are so pallid and small compared to your own.

Does this dress go with these shoes? (pics)?

that is such a beautiful delicate dress and the heels do match but perhaps light ballerina flats or strappy heels would look stunning.

Feminism is about equality with men! Wouldn’t their ‘equal work’ in developing countries silence doubters?

Sadly, some people just don't want to recognize the work that women do: physical labor, intelligent inventions, bravery and strength. Some people see these traits as manly things but the fact is that women have them, too and it offends people with insecurities and ego problems. While SOME feminists hate men, not all feminists do. Fighting for some fairness with personal rights, respect and job opportunities is what it's all about.

What brand NOW has the better women's roster?

I'm not a fan of Maryse or Kelly Kelly, so it's got to be Smackdown as the roster features the talented and entertaining Gail Kim and Melina !

How to print screen on a Compaq ?

Okayy so i have a hp COMPAQ and well i know how to print screen but it dosnt work. I do the same on the other pc i have and it works. On the other pc I press prt sc+ctrl+alt and it works ive tried every thing on my HP and it dosnt work. Its pissing me off. Its right on top of num lock and it dosnt work with the numlock on or off. Any one know wht i can do to fix this problem :) ?

What's the name of this episode on the Discovery/History Channel?

I remember that about 1 1/2 to 2 years ago, the Discovery or History channel gave an episode on an asteroid hitting the Earth. There was a girl with a golden retriever girl who went into a cave because the asteroid started falling. Then there was another girl who lived in France and the whole country froze since the asteroids fumes blocked the sun. The outcome of the story is that the girl with the dog found her mother with other people in a small town they constructed. After this episode, came another episode on how life would be in 2056. Whats the name of both episodes? 10 points to the best answer.

Low fat, healthy but filling breakfast?

any Breakfast ideas that will stop me from snacking before lunch, but are still quite low in fat, and preferably low in sugar (not mandatory, but must be at least very low in refined sugar)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What should I ask my doctor to test? Neurological problem?

Keep a journal, explain what you have told us here. They will probably want to do a ct or mri and maybe an eeg. Very expensive stuff. You need to see a neurologist but probably will not get to one without a referral. Has anyone seen the seizure you had? That would help. How about family health history? That may lend a clue. Good luck, start with your doctor first and see what he/she thinks.

The judicial system in the United States?

The judicial system in the United States is composed of both Federal and State Courts. For example, if you stole a TV from Wal-Mart, you would be tried in state court for the crime. However, if you robbed a bank, you could be tried in federal court.

Titanic 2?

there isnt one. how can there be a second. they have redone the original but i wouldnt call that a number "2"

Bucs O-line?

Rate the Bucs O-line 1- 10. 1 being the weakest.... Don't believe I've watched one of their games this year.. Curious how many times Ware, Ellis, Spears, Ratliff, Tank, or Spencer will get Garcia.

I lke preps girls should I start dressing like a prep?

I dress ghetto I guess.But dont sag or talk or act ghetto I just feel confortable.I started dressing preppy as well but dont feel as confortable.But I like prep girls what should I do?

Should a Seven yr. old 2nd grader have a tutor?

Wow, im used to a 7 year old going to school and making crafts. I say she has a lot on her plate as is. What kind of grade did she get in the other cl? Was it an F or more like a B? She could be stressed because of all the pressure.

Why does he get sooooo TENSE and NERVOUS around me?!?!?

who gives a ****? you're obviously screwed up with your own insecurities.. you probably can't figure out what other people think about you because you think about yourself too damned much.

How do i breed small fish like Rosies or guppys?

also any other info on breeding them how long until the eggs hatch and what is the best time of year and best time of fish to breed preferably smaller types thanks.

How do you turn cloves in to clove oil?

i can not find clove oil anywhere so i got whole cloves and i was wandering dose anyone know how to convert them to oil or what else do i need please help i have a sever toothache that wont go away and am to poor to go to dentist my filling feel out so i have this painfull hole in my tooth and it want stop hurting

Should I dump him or continue to work with him?

U are so true, but honey take it from me. if u are not getting it now then u may not get it later. i just got out of a 4 year engagement because of something similar to this. i waited for him to change for 4 long years but i didnt get any better it only got worse. So love yourself more and try to move on with your life. You shouldnt have to beg no one to love you or show you any love and affection. believe me there is someone out there who wouldnt mind giving it to you.

Why was a Wisconsin supreme court justice ousted in nasty race? Was he a judicial activist?

a href="http://www.kentucky.com/513/story/364366.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.kentucky.com/513/story/364366…/a

Would would happen if....?

That is called bulimia and it is not healthy at all.I guess people lose weight doing it but it is very bad. The best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.

What's this poem about? read if your good with poems please!!?

I don't think this is meant to be taken seriously. It's like a joke... Just words that are the same but used in different ways combined together to make stuff that rhymes and sounds funny. Just enjoy it. I mean, read it aloud. Can you really stop yourself from laughing?

Hair color pictures.?

I want to dye my hair darker like dark brown or black on top and on bottom bright red like ariel from the little mermaid and plus like a little red streak in my bangs but i cannot find any websites to even look at hair color looks like that or pictures so if anyone knows where i could find stuff like that it would be pretty nice to know.

Which team would win a game?

It would be a draw. Each team is so equally matched, so it would be difficult to predict the outcome.

Is she cool or what?

i have a friend who met judge judy. she lives in california and met her! judge judy was gonna shake her hand and my friend hugged her without shaking her hand. then they both fell on the floor together! my friend is and has a crush on her! then they were laughing together! help! i dont like it.

What's a good low-carb lunch to take to work?

I'm doing the low-carb (atkins) diet and was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for some things I can take to work for lunch. Most of the stuff I eat now are meat, so that isn't going to work. I can't take pork chops, steak, bacon, sausage, or eggs to work. What can I take that doesn't need to be cooked and is low-carb? Thanks.

What kind of aquarium filter should I buy?

I have a red ear slider and many small tropicle fish in the same tank. I just got a duetto in tank filter but it makes very strong currents even if I set the flow dial to minimum. These currents can cause stress in the fish because they can not sleep with a current that strong. What Intank filter can work in low water and not make strong currents? I was thinking a tetra whisper but those are kinda big. What filter will keep the tank clean the best?? Thanks!

Please help! Need ideas to end story?! It's about a war in Iraq?

hows this - the sergeant and connor get in a sticky situation and the sergeant tells connor to get the hell out of their after he was shot and wounded but connor does not listen and wants to stay so the sergeant threatens to shoot him himself if he doesn't leave -so he does but as he's running (maybe killing a few ppl on the way) he decides to turn back but he is captured bye the antagonist or the main "bad guy" of your story so connor goes in to try and save him but is shot and fails and captured. then him and his sergeant are dragged to the middle of a deserted street and the main antagonist screams words of rage or something to his unit and gives connor a gun with one bullet and is told to shoot his sergeant or himself - idk something like that its hard to make a good ending with the information you have given me - you need to make it link and maybe teach a overall lesson or something very shocking - another idea is have more characters than just the sergeant and Connor maybe have a small unit cut off from the rest well anyway good luck

Its A Game Trick To Get The Guys To Crack?

Hey so at school tomorrow we (girls) are trying to steal the guys hearts at lunch and recess basically the guys cant talk to the girls if they to they must give up there heart tomorrow the girls are trying to make the guys talk to them any ideas

-before and after pic. Cushings? PLEASE READ?

You look very sad and unhappy. I have know a person with Cushing's but they did not have all your symptoms. I think you are suffering from depression along with any metabolic problem. I think you need a psychiatrist as well as a good doctor.

Selling clothes at platos closet?

I hav 3 aeropostale shirts a nike, a rocawear, and a puma brand shirt how much do you think i could get for all those at platos closet

I am planning on buying a beauty salon and it needs a boiler in basement. How much is a boiler?

Well, I'm currently in the middle of leasing a store...I am planning on making it a salon. The problem is, I will be a first time business owner and dont know much about prices and stuff. So my question is, How much is a boiler? What size should I get the boiler? Around how much is it to install the boiler? I need estimates...Please Help, give me your opinion! Thanks

What do i do?? i always get bored of my relations even the ones dat seemed to b da one?

i have been dating alot. but i ve been bored of all da casual datin nd stuff.. so since da last year nd a half i ve bn consciously tryin to avoid meaningless relations.. nd when i do date start datin somebody its always been somebody really nice nd with me thinking of a more serious relation... but even when everything starts off wonderfully initially it all goes away within 4-5 months. all the spark all the interest juz vanishes for me.. it seems all my relations come with an expiry date.. what should i do?? help

Cannot find NUM LOCK Key?

recently got a new laptop vs. 10 year of a desktop, want to try to make hearts instead of the colon, line and parenthesis just for a lame smiley face. ( My laptop do not have the numbers on the R side as my desktop only has just across the top) I'm a newbie with a laptop.......HELP, V-DAY 12 1/2 hours away......

Why is my tarantula so pissy?

This is normal. I've had rosies that you can handle, others that you can't. I've even had one the same as yours where I was able to handle it when new, but over time I guess it just grew tired of it. Just enjoy it, they're not meant to be handled anyways. It's not like they have someone in the wild picking them up all the time.

Preparing for baby (My head is spinning and I am in need of advice?)?

Congrats on all the blessings in your life! But, what exactly would you like advice on? If things are going well & you both feel ready, then have a baby. If you are still not quite feeling totally ready, you could wait a year or two & enjoy the alone time of being married (after you have kids that becomes a scarcity).

Medically needy share of cost?

I'm living in Orlando,FL and have been accepted in the medically needy SOC for $2021, since March 2011. But I didn't receive any mail explaining my benefits. I tried to call the customer care # a thousand of times, in vain! No answer. I'm a diabetic and low income worker. Can u please explain to me how it works? I tried to read their brochure but not sure to understand it. I got medical bills each month, but not exceeding $2000. Also, medication. Thank you for ur time.

What are the risks of breeding a dog on her first season?

I have a urgent dilemma, Basicly, I have a 9 month old male chihuahua and a female chihuahua who is 8 months old on the 16th may this month. None of them have been spayed/neautered as we are planning on breeding her when shes 2 years old and the male is going up for stud as they are both KC Reg and Pedigree. We know everything there is to no about chihuahua's and are starting to show and breed our own. But yesterday I walked into my living room to find my male '' my female. So i quickly seperated them and they havent been together unsupervised since, Anyway, After catching them in the act, I looked at my girls 'private part' and found she is in season (No blood but there is swelling). She is only 3lb in weight, and is very tiny. My male is 4lb in weight, Also tiny. Could there be a possiblity shes pregnant? What should I do? And if there is nothing i can do, Will she survive? And can she have them? As she's my darling and I feel she is too small. She is booked into vets in a weeks time as they do not have any earlier appointments (Also tried every vet in my area). What are the risks she will face if they canot be terminated (if she is pregnant). ? Please answer. I was upstairs about 1 hour and I havent noticed him try to 'hump' her before. But I have noticed for the past week shes been playfully nipping him and lifting her tail high in the air around him but i didnt expect her to be in season. Please please help, Thanks


There were articles in early October saying that a UK distribution agreement was reached and would be announced soon (for an early 2010 release) and that US distribution negotiations were underway but nothing has been reported since then so these deals might have fallen through.

I want to go to college for sports management but..?

Let's say I ped college and got sports management as my major, but if I couldn't find a job dealing with athletics, would I be in trouble? Would I be able to get any other kind of job?

What should I name my baby?

It's a girl. Jovi Bubble Gus or Urabitch. I'm naming her one of those so don't suggest anything else.

B&A: An unoriginal but hopefully fun writing challenge?

I knelt beside her limp body which had been so rigid with the struggle for life only a few seconds ago. Her cheap flowery perfume still hung in the air, but the undertone scent that had called me in, compelled me forward to her was gone. Her life tingled through my own limbs now, warming me up all the way to my fingertips. I let my mind wander back to only a few minutes before, when she was alive, a small town girl, a pretty little blonde. The scent under her perfume that made my entire body purr, a soft twitch of my every muscle. She had frozen when I had reached for her face. Her gasp had been one of fear, and half a sigh of desire. I had leaned in to kiss the side of her jaw and inhaled her scent. The beautiful mix of fright and lust as the girl couldn't decide who or what I was or how to react to me overcame my hesitation. My muscles unlocked and I clasped my arms around her. It took her a couple of minutes to die. She was clinging onto her life with a strength I could not have guessed at. The humans seemed so fragile, such easy victims for us. But she fought me anyway, a useless, pointless, pitiful struggle. And then she was gone.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

In Memory of the Great Carl Smith?

My parents have a lot of his records and that big CD box set. I really like the "Can I depend on your light, mister moon" song. I know my dad will be really bummed about this.

Has a non-winning Presidential or VP candidate *ever* come back to run again?

Has a non-winning Presidential or VP candidate *ever* come back to run again? For example, Dan Quayle faded into oblivion, Ross Perot went silent, Bob Dole retired. John Kerry, not. Even Al Gore didn't try again. So, why is there any talk at all of Sarah Palin coming back?

How do you know your doing gods will?

I am at a job right now that I cant stand!! I have been here for over a year and I know that god has told me to sit still and wait. Well the opportunity for me to go to school has come up and I want to do Gods will. Because I want this so bad and don't want to hear no I am worried that I might not be doing his will but my own. I cant shake the felling that I might be being alittle impulsive as I have in the past and I really cant afford to just blow money. If it isn't gods will I must admit that I am not going to be happy is that wrong of me? I am also to scared to ask for a sign cause I don't want to hear no. I feel peace about going back to school but than again I hope its not just me.

Twilight series- What is your Bella's lullaby?

im not sure, i'll wait for the movies to come out so i can tell you! MAybe you should ask a team edward-er, i am all for Jacob!

I have a oxygen/Mapp gas torch ( i also have propane that can be used insteat of mapp) and need help with it.?

I have had my Torch since Christmas '07 but have never used it because i didn't have the goggles, i also lost the instructions. I just got the right pair of goggles and wanted to start using my torch. I remember that the instructions said something about the length of the flame for different types of jobs, i am looking to use my torch for small welding jobs and cutting thin metal. I am wondering if anyone knew about these torches, and if you do, could you please tell me how long the flame should be for cutting metal, because i cant find alot of information on the internet about these kind of torches.

Cried in front of me..does he like me?

Just depends. The fact that he did show this side of himself does say that he is comfortable with you and trusts you. Just think of it as an emotionally bonding moment for now. Don't jump to conclusions just yet. Give it some time. Stress can do some strange, out of character things for some people. If you start overyzing this scenario, he may be defensive. Just keep your cool, be there for him, continue getting to know each other on a deeper level, and see what happens.

Should I stay in the music area?

The music industry is changing, and maybe that means the chances of success are growing, but it seems like it is a risky idea to stay in music, rather than go to the safe engineering route. I could hedge by teaching music, but I'm a song writer, and that is what I want to do. What do I need to succeed in a business that is really only stacked for the few, the lucky or the connected? Or, will Indy music make it less risky, and why?

You saw Titanic('97) with Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet. Will you watch them in Revolutionary Road (2008)?

Yes but it will never live up to the titanic, they have both improved their acting skills since then so I'm interested!

Timbaland always hit!!!!!!!!!!?

One of my favorite songs is the Way I Are. It's a little more laid back than his others I guess, and it's unique.

I need a good book series.?

U should try reading the hunger games...it is amazing the next book is called catching fire and doesnt come out until september 1st. Or u should try Graceling it is so good.....u can read the descriptions + read a ch. preview at the websites bellow... U should also try life as we knew it it is also amazing....just take it from me...try reading these books! Hope i helped :)

What should I wear for the Homecoming Dance?

Go for Jonny Depps Character Jack Sparrow. Pirates of the Caribean.:) Post a pictue so we can see you.

Which organisms are made of living cells that divide in a process called mitosis?

All eukaryotic cells do the process mitosis. Prokaryotic cells don't do mitosis. All the organism in Domain Eukarya do mitosis. Eukarya has three kingdoms and those kingdoms are Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi. The Domains Archaea and Bacteria don't do mitosis.

Post an interdisciplinary question without repeating?

The more fans you have, the more answers you are likely to get because they receive your questions in an e-mail. If you regularly ask questions of that nature, add everyone who gives you good answers as a contact by clicking on their profile and clicking on add contact. They most likely will add you becoming your fan.

Help with these symptoms any help gets 10 pts please help?

Well for around 3 years now ive been coughing up this white clear mucus and had very bad stuffy runny nose and there always worse in the mornings but last all day i got all this after i got over a bad bronchitis and ive been to doctors i got dignoisted with post nasal drip and acid reflex well i take my meds everyday it helps but don't completely take the problem away and when i get upset my nose starts pouring mucus i mean globs and and start coughing up globs and globs bad but after i settle now and calm down and cough it out it quits Ive had ct scans of my chest and stomach and had blood taken everything is normal and every once in a while ill get pains around my forehead and eyes and get headaches but sutafed helps a lot with that im afraid my lungs and messing up but i don't know what this is what does everyone think will i live my life with this will it cause me to die 1 day

What is going through his mind?

So basically i thought this guy was really cute so i told a mutual friend of ours that i thought that and she was like he thinks your cute too! so then later that day he text me and we were talking all day and kind of flirting but nothing serious and then late in the day he asked me to tell him who won the mvp for the superbowl because he couldnt tell because he was driving and i asked driving where and he said oh to my girlfriends house. I was like woah hold the phone and i ask everyone that reads this why did he even bother texting me if he is dating someone? And is there a way i can ask him why he is texting me without me coming off like a crazy girl??

I downloaded a song in limewire but it wont open in any other program?

i downloaded Reptar, King of The Ozone (the devil wears prada) from Limewire and it plays in limewire. But when I go to drag it into iTunes, it doesn't drag over. So I tried to right click on it and click open with > iTunes. and it still wouldn't play. how do i make it play?

Tips on how to improve my eating habits?

Make a schedule! Monday eat your reg foods and the rest of the week don't! so on Wednesday when you go for that bag of chips think back " what did I eat yesterday? Is now the appropriate time for this? Am I letting my self go when I say yes to junk foods?"

Can someone explain the whole Jesus concept?

You are a sinner. Your sin has put you in conflict with God, even His enemy. "The soul that sins shall die." God has provided the Way for you to be forgiven in Jesus, when He died for your sins. If you believe in Him... you receive the forgiveness God has offered you. Jesus' sacrifice and His death will be accepted, in your place. All debt will be forgiven. He is the "Lamb of God".

Where do I find the 15% discount to print off on the AE website?

I got an email from AE saying that if I brought in a printable coupon by November 7, I could get 15% off, but nowhere in the email does it say where this coupon is. Did anyone else get this email, and if so, where can I find the coupon?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Irish baby boy name suggestions?

what do you think of Fionn, Owen, Seamus, Grayson (not Irish), Hugh, or Jameson for a baby boy? - any suggestions

Is bronchitis contagious?

I have pneumonia and pleurisy...besides I have MS. My friend has bronchitis with a real bad cough. Being that I already have pneumonia and pleurisy does that mean I already have bronchitis also? I get that impression.

What are you doing on new years eve?What should i do?

i is going to bed early cos its all a load of pash!if you like to get drunk ,then fine.i personally do not drink filthy alcohol.then get depressed for a week after.

I have been with my BF for 1 year now and he wants 2 have what should i say?

Hi me and my BF have been together for 1 year now and he wants to have i have told him that i don't to yet but i do want 2 have but i am scared because i do not no what to do and what it is meant to fell like also i have things on my Body that i fell uncountable about like i have a few stretche marks on my only 3 or 4 and on my hips and i do not no what he will say 2 it dose any one now how it fells or what i should do plz tell me if you have answers love shannon xxxx

How does the exception prove the rule?

The exeption to the rule would seem to me to negate the rule not reinforce it.And why was the suggested catagoriy for this social science psycology?

Sri lanka cricket?

Tharanga. and Jayasuriya.they are the title holders of the best one day openning partnership::so who else?

Who sings the song: Just you and I. I thought it was Lionel Richie but I can't find it or which album it's on.

Well before he went solo, lionel used to run with the commodores, so you might want to look into their music if you can find it there.

In what states can i plate a dirtbike for the street?

so basically i have narrowed my dual sport choices down to a drz400s (slow and heavy) or a ktm 530 exc (mucho denero). but i was wondering if i could a plate maybe a wr450f or sumthin like that.

1.) How many grams of CH4(g) can be held in a 3.5 L container at STP (0 deg C and 1 atm)?

For #1, use the ideal gas law, PV=nRT solving for moles, then converting to grams. (Be sure you convert C to K) I think the answer would be 2.50 grams

So, did you all hear that CA's gay marriage initiative was overturned?

This is really wrong, people are degrading lower and lower. People are calling black white and white black these days. Gay life style is perverted and not natural at all. Media is going all out these days brainwashing that ity is ok and people start believing it. Movies, music everything is infested with ual material today. Little by little they change the way you see and look on things. Wake up people, what are you gonna legalize next? as this trend seems only going down hill. You don't think ity will be taught to your kids in school? than wait and see if gay marriages will become legal. Lets hope people in this country can still tell right from wrong.

Help with my chemistry review please?

Hmmm??? Looks like a lot of work you want someone to do for you. What ARE your answers? You also might want to be specific about what you need help with. For instance, the amount of heat given off or absorbed in a reaction is stoichiometric, meaning that it depends upon the limiting reactant. Keep in mind that the heat of formation is the heat evolved or absorbed per ONE mole of the compound.

Does this boy like me? How do I know?

During our computer cl he sat by me, during lunch he sat at my table across from me, during recess he always is nice to me and doesn't pay any attention to his friends. So does he like me or not?

Say goodbye to the good ol days and watch your future fade away...john morrison?

I hear you man. I thought that The Miz would fade away just like Marty Jannety and that JoMo would be the next Shawn Michaels (although I believe that nobody could ever match an icon like HBK). But look at it now, Miz is holding the United States Championship & is in a very successful tag-team with the unified tag-team titles. Im also actually starting to mark for The Miz,coz letz face it,he's really good in-ring and on the mic. I hope that JoMo can climb back up the ladder to the days when he was worth giving a title to (IC,ECW), even if it means turning him heel again,but maybe im biased coz im digging the hells more these days. . .

Need answer now- physics solution?

Your grandfather clock's pendulum has a length of 0.9930m. If the clock loses 26s per day, how should you adjust the length of the pendulum?

Would the name John be suitable?

I love the name, I was skeptical becuase John is such a boring name but the middle names suit it well. Could you call him Kennedy? Cause really Jack is a nickname for Jackson.

Are low interest rates indicative of an expansionary monetary policy by the central bank? READ?

The answer is certainly true in all kind of models. It is an expansion policy during the recession.In the clical loanable fund model, the rate is an equilibrium.It will not go to the point near zero as we can see it right now. And it depends on the market,not the central bank. In the Keynesian model of IS-LM framework, it is because the supply of money that shift to the right.And this will affect the LM curve. It will show the expansion policy as usual.

Who won between pakistan cricket team vs sri lanka T20 canada ?

I checked the cricket scores in my daily paper & theres no mention of that match. When was it played?

What can I wear to school with what I have?

wearr the dark skinnys, the boots, the pink jacket and a tank (try to add a cute currly hair style with light pink lip gloss a little mascara and pink blush, also ad bracelets and necklaces)

Is criticism very important part of English literature?

Is Criticism another subject and a part of it should be studed with literature or we literature students should have a profound knowledge about it?

Fantasy Football .. Brett Farve or Phillip RIvers?

also i have Greg Jennings, Anthony Gonzales, Devin Hester and Roydell Williams at WR .. i can only start 2 .. who would u go with?

Trade Portis for Wayne?

You have good RB's, losing one would not kill you, adding another quality Receiver can't hurt. Do it!

Easy college ques!! easy 10 pts?

NYU isn't that hard to get into, I don't think, just really expensive (as is Columbia). Columbia basically throws everybody's app on the ground and picks 2 up, and those 2 get to go to columbia. So Columbia it's superhard either way. Go to Barnard instead, it's the all-girl school attached to Columbia, it's easier to get into, and you get Columbia on your transcript (still expensive though). Good luck!

He cheated, I left him and I just found out i'm pregnant with his child?

3 weeks ago I busted my man of 1 year cheating on me. To make a long story short I left him without a trace. To me cheating is the ultimate betrayal and is hands down unforgivable. There is NO excuse to cheat. Anyhow, I just went to the doctor yesterday to get checked for STD's and wouldn't you know I found out I'm pregnant from him. I don't even know what to do or say here. I want NOTHING to do with him, but not I'm pregnant with his child. What do I do?

My cold wont go away...?

Ok so i've been sick for about 2 weeks or so. And I haven't improved one bit. Well the severe coughing has stopped but I have mucus on my nose and throat. When I cough I can feel it and I feel like puking because its soo nasty. Sometimes the mucus that comes out is greener than other days why? What does the color mean? And also sometimes when I blow my nose blood comes out. Because I go to school I walk around school a lot and lke when I get to cl im so exhausted..I have the urge to cough and cough. Why??

How to calculate it:?

are you sure you have the right numbers? since 7^-1 = 1/7, it does not make sense that the answer to 7^(-1)MOD60 would be 43

My boyfriend is the girl in our relationship?

sounds like a communication issue. have you told him that you didn't want to get married? drill it into his head. but with a lot of reurance that you love him.

Isn't catholicism all about promoting mary, what with the mother of god and all the marian apparitions?

The Catholic Church is all about promoting Jesus and worshiping God. It is the duty and responsibility of Mary to do the same thing as a servant of God. Catholics are not required to believe in any of the marian apparitions.

Will complete bsc(cs)within 6months.but want 2 study bsc math&cs in London(with part time it job).pl give inf.?

I am a student of computer science department in bangladesh.This is my final year.i will complete my undergraduate degree within 6 months.Now i want to study at bsc in math&computer science jointly in London with part time IT job(basically computer programming related job).Now i need all information.Please help me.it is so important for me.

Max from the L Word or Zac Efron?

I don't watch the L word so I'd pic Zac. Then again, he's practically a girl. So wouldn't that mean that Vanessa Hudgens is a for dating a girl? lol just randomly thinking

Audio download to "I Would Be Alright"?

There's a song in the musical "Richest Man in the Valley" called "I Would Be Alright". Cindy, the daughter, sings it to Mr. Eastman. I have the lyrics but need help finding an audio clip or download for it. 10 pts to the first person who gives me a good link/info. Thanks!

How do you crochet?

When I was a little girl, my mom tried to teach me to crochet, but I had a hard time picking it up and she had very little patience. It didn't help that she was right hander trying to teach a left hander. So I picked up a book called How To(crochet, knit, tat) and I taught myself to crochet. If you don't want a book, you can search online. There are a ton of sites you can find on how to crochet. So with a little time, patience, a hook and some yarn, you will produce some beautiful stuff. Try seaching the Lion Brand Yarn site. They have a how to section. www.learntocrochet.lionbrand.com

Will Neon Tetras and Black Skirt Tetras Come Together to Make a Shoal?

I have some neon tetras, and wanted to expand their shoal so i bought a couple small black skirt tetras. Will the group together even if they aren't the same breed of tetra?

Ok i need a pokemon for diamond version?

ok i will trade a level nine mew a level 100 salamence, girl , with hydro pump as a attack, a level 70 lugia with the pokerus, a level 100 riolu holding a rare candy, a level 100 shiny mew,and a level 32 manaphy for a shiny empoleon, a arceus any kind, a shiny typloshion, shiny metagross, shiny sceptile shiny dragonite, and any other shiny plz hlp i really want these any if you dont have them but if u have there evolutions i will also trade if you want to trade just let me know email me or what ever my friend code is 2234 5479 4628 and my name is winter

Using Excel what function will give me the average of times. ?

If you double-click on the source field heading (i.e. Total time) in the pivot table and choose to summarize the data by the average function, you should see the desired results.

Gettin in shape for summer. 16 year old guy?

Terrible eating plan for a guy. Young men exercising as regular as you are shouldn't eat less than 1800 calories a day!! Put that chicken back in your meal plan for lunch AND dinner. (Make sure it's white meat.) Boil some eggs and use those for a fast breakfast or a snack. Stir fry is great! Make sure you get plenty of veggies like cabbage, broccoli, etc in it. Add some fish in there, even lean beef a couple times a weak would be good. Drink non fat milk. Avoid cheese (high fat.) Eat yogurt. You can even eat peanuter on whole grain bread for breakfast, but, for a guy exercising so much, you need the protein! If you eat too little, you'll achieve the opposite effect because your body will think it's starving and hold onto fat. (natural defense mechanism.)

What program do video game companys use to make music.?

what program do video game company's use to make movies. i heard they do it electronically without real musicians playing

Could christian bale make a good james bond? he's a brit so why not?!?

no he couldnt. he doesnt have that bond look/personality to him. Sean Connery will be the one and only James Bond. Bale doesnt have that uality about him either.

How hard is it to make a division 3 basketball team?

I'm thinking of applying to Clarkson or RPI. Both have somewhat lower amounts of undergraduates compared to the other two schools i'm interested in, RIT and University of Rochester. I'm about 5'9" and just hit my growth spurt so I'm thinking I'll end up being at least 5'11". What are the odds of me just making the team for two such schools? I've been playing since i was about eight in CYO and I'm seventeen now. For the past three years, I've been playing extremely competitively, going to local basketball courts and playing the best around there with most players in college. I also go to three different colleges nearby and play against the players there, usually holding my own and usually the second best on my team. The main schools i want to go to are Clarkson and RPI, both D3. Each have at least 4 or 5 of their seniors leaving next year and have at least 3 players on the current roster that are around 5'9". Also when i play, I'm usually the fastest, best ball handler, best per, and one of the best 3-point shots, which are all attributes of a point guard. The school i go to is AA and have won many state championships. I am close, if not, on the same level as the players on the team, except some are taller than me as of now. So what do you think my chances are? Sorry for the lengthy question and thank you ahead of time for the feedback!!

Fiance put kisses at end of instant message to fellow colleague?

Definitely confront him. Don't go into a marriage without being completely sure that he's faithful! Sit him down for a casual conversation, and once you get speaking about this girl, set the sit-down to a more serious tone. Make sure he understands that it isn't okay to go around flirting with other girls when he's engaged--- let alone right in front of his fiance!

Orthopedics project i need help with pleaseee?

ok so i have a junior project and i chose to do it on Orthopedics being the best medical career. i need some good reasonable good websites about orthopedics written and created by educated people not like wikipedia or encyclopedia. prefferably an orthopedic dr. But ths needs to be done n MLA format. if anyone can help me please do so. its my junior project, please help me find sites that are good with anything concerning medical field and orthopedics. thank you:)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Which is the best? regular PDAs or Blackberry ?

I have a PDA. (Palm TX) I would go with a Palm PDA. They are simple to use and they have a touch screen. You can get them as a PDA or a smartphone. I would get a smartphone. (palm)

(SERIOUS ANSWER) What does my dream mean?

What do the people in your dream mean to you? Maybe the dream is warning you or telling you that you miss them or that that could or will happen. It might just mean that you feel like your losing and want or need to see them or they need or want to. That they are keeping something bad and serious from you, or you are and your conscience Is telling you to tell them. Or that someone you care about will have something bad happen to them or you will have someone or something you love taken away from you.

Calculate my bmi?

doesn't sounds like you're over weight. Keep in mind that muscle is heavier than fat. If you are athletic, you would weight more than you should have.

Do you think this is a decent starting lineup for my fantasy football team?

Very good stadting lineup. Bryant is hurt though, So you may want to put your best RB/WR in his place. It would be great, then.

Which of the following organelles has its structure and function correctly described?

a.)endoplasmic reticulum-network of interconnected membranes forming sacs and cs; packages protein molecules for secretion.

I like this guy.?

I am in middle school and every one thinks he's cute. but I am not the prettiest girl. what do I do. I'm afraid of being rejected. but he looks to me as his guy friend. and he always is telling me stuff like," that girls back is sweaty. ewww." so what should I do.

How could Madeline Albright have answered Lesley Stahl's question about Iraq Sanctions differenty?

It is inconceivable that one elected official so high up in the government could be so callous and cold. She of course should have empathized with the children and the people instead of being so high and mighty. What a haughty attitude and although it was bad I don't think it was the cause of 9/11 but attitudes and thoughtless answers certainly didn't help.

I haven't charted my BBT at all this month, I dont know when I ovulated.....?

As i was ill from a UTI, yet again, I gave up this month as i had the 'whats the point' attitude....me and hubby only BD'd once this month due to me being unwell, keep thinking what if..... it was probably the day before or day of ovulation if I go by my past cycles... now im holing all hopes i may have.............this is so stupid right, I mean what are the chances of doing it once and hitting the target!!! I feel so low :(

A question about male doctors and pelvic exams?

The pelvic exam is something that the person decides is OK and they consent to it. If they wanted to they could get 1 done by a female if they wanted to. A strip search is they have no choice in the matter.

Im an aquarian and I think I am better then everyone?

Did not read it all, but from what I did read u sound narcissistic. you don't need to blame astrology for your personal issues. From what I know, ppl that are narcissistic usually have low self esteem issues or doing it to fill a void somewhere in their life.

Need help winning my Yahoo! Fantasy Football league.?

You said qb tom brady is a no-brainer.Really,You must think he is god or something.Because if that n'easter snow storm comes in he might not even make a throw all day.Do you know what those storms are like?--i lived there 60mph winds constant and white-out conditions.If i were you ,about hour before game time i would have a webcam search site ready near foxboro.I'm sure u can find one via google.--and then make that decison on brady and welker.

Have an idea for my husbands breakfast, but need a bit of help?

I would make it exactly like the recipe says, then add the pepper jack and the romas to the egg mixture. It wants the ham and cheese on the bottom, to blend with the eggs

Do you know this guy from The Bamboozle 5-2-09?

oh my gosh i was there and saw that same guy and have a picture with him and i have no idea who that is either hahah thats so weird!

What can you replace with 194a49 thermal fuse?

That fuse goes in electric fireplace! Its probably old and none of the store have them. What can you replace it with?

Why does sainsburys budget affect my holiday entitlements?

I've received a letter from sainsburys that says they operate a use it or lose it holiday policy. Thats fair enough but the letter also says that I cannot have holiday between four sets of dates. "please be advised that the following periods have no budget left therefore you cannot have holidays on the following dates". I don't get it how does there budget woes affect my holiday?

Can food/vomit get stuck in sinuses?

Sorry, this is gross. I threw up this morning and i think some vomit is stuck in my sinuses. Is his possible? I've tried blowing, saline drops, sucking real hard...but my sinuses burn and the left side is clogged. I have seasonal allergies, so i'm used to being a little congested, but this seems different. Advice?

What do you think of men who are sensitive, shy, quiet, polite, intellectual, refined, fashion conscious,?

I think... those are just outward appearances and I wouldn't make a decision based on just that. I like to base opinions of people on knowing them and seeing how they really are... how they treat others, how they handle situations, etc..

Friends left me scene of accident ?

Bailing on your friend in any kind of bad situation is lame. Those s aren't real friends. Get new ones.

According to christians, whens the world going to end?

According to Matthew that would happen while some people hearing Jesus' sermons were still alive. Some said it would happen in 1000AD. There have dozens of such dumb predictions since Christianity was invented. You do not know the Aztecs said anything about 12/31/12. Some moron said the Mayas said it happpens 12/21/12, but that is wrong. Scientists cannot coordinate the Mayan calendar with our Gregorian one, so no one can give such a precise date as 12/21/12 for the end of a cycle. I have bet several people $1000 that the world will not end 12/21/12. The Christains that I know have been saying it would be the present year since I was a boy. it looks as if they would learn eventually if they had a brain. My sister does not.

Did anyone see this old SNL skit?

It was about an advertising company putting on a toothpaste commercial with Tim Meadows and Molly Shannon. During the commercial they are kissing VERY pionately for a very long time. One executive said it wouldn't go over too well during the Country Music Awards. (Meadows is black. Shannon-white) Does anyone know where I can find this, or at least the name of the toothpaste?

Why is it said that boys communicate by farting?

There was a question in the TV series QI that: What is common between herrings and young boys? The answer was that they both communicate by farting. What does it mean by that?

What is the cause for having a period for a month straight?

my mom friend has had her period for a month straight she goes through hot flashes and light headness and she has mood swings. could it be menopause?

What is going on with me? Kind of long, sorry!?

It sounds like everything's changing for you right now. I don't know if you feel better when you write, but that can be a way to get some perspective on things. Meanwhile, the feeling of losing interest in things is a sign of depression. Maybe you should talk to your doctor, or discuss it with your mom and try to get a therapist who will listen to you.

Headache on an airplane?

I just went on an airplane last week and as we were ascending I got a mive headache on the left side of my face surrounding my eye and along my nose. I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep but when I sat up again not only was the left side of my face hurting but it felt stiff and the left side of my gums and teeth became completely numb. Then I felt a pop in my nose and everything went away. Should I get myself checked out???

Does anyone have the piano sheet music to 'One' by U2?

if you go to www.pianofiles.com and sign up you can trade music most people will give you music for nothing. They have just about any sheet music you will need

Saturday, November 5, 2011

All of the following statements are true, except which one?

Ozone is concentrated in the lower stratosphere. The ozone level in the mesosphere about the same as the troposphere...

Ex threatenings to sue / dealing with false accusations.?

My ex has an apartment in which I am currently living in. I am listed as an occupant on the lease. A few months ago there was a bad falling out. He accused me of cheating, slander, hacking his MySpace (never happened). He also says I am "squatting" by living here in this apartment. I am in a moving process, and he has not told me to leave nor has he given me any written notice to leave what-so-ever. He moved out, I stayed behind... and now I am hearing that he is going to try to sue me over this and emotional damages to him (I don't know what this means). The guy is a real psycho and I just want to know what my options are. Luckily, I'm moving into a new apartment tomorrow... but what rights does he have against me as an occupant in an apartment that he is renting but not living in? Had he asked me to leave or had he sent me a notice, I would have left much sooner...

Physics Concept Question Help!?

Newtons first law states that objects remain at rest or in uniform motion provided no external unbalance force acts on them. Newtons third law states that a force always occurs in pairs - the two force of a given pair acting will equal strength and in opposite direction. Doesn't Newtons third law imply that force are always balanced? If so, it would never be possible for anything to accelerate. By witting a specific example, illustrate how this apparent paradox can be resolved.

On a 1995 ford falcon cooling system does the filler cap have any other function other than adding coolant.?

that cap serves a few different purposes. for one thing ever pound of pressure held on coolant will increase its boiling point 3 degrees(not 14.5) the cap maintains this pressure, if it gets too high a little will be released to the overflow tank. when the engine cools off, pressure will drop ,and as the liquid actually takes up less space in the radiator, it will allow more of that coolant to return form that very same tank. in that cap you will find two valves and three seals.

I Deposited $300 into my Teachers Federal Credit Union ATM w/o and envelope. Says I have a $300 Ledger?

I Deposited $300 into my Teachers Federal Credit Union ATM w/o and envelope. Says I have a $300 Ledger and that the money is not available. The bank ATM is 24-hr but the bank was closed because it is a Sunday. The bank is in Farmingville NY. Am I just out of this money now because i did not use an envelope??? or does the ATM maybe except the money w/o an envelope??? any info would greatly be appreciated as I am freaking out right now lol. Thanks in advance!!!

Why shouldn't we ask questions about Michelle's patriotism?

Michelle had no problem attacking Cindy Mccain. Why shouldn't Michelle get a dose of her own medicine?

What volume of .1 M H2SO4 solution is needed to neutralize 40 ml of .2 Naoh solution?

i posted this earlier and someone just put 10 ml. I would like to know steps and the answer is actually 40 ml. Thanks again

Slavic languages?

is there any one learning czech or polish or already speak one or both because i am learning czech and what is the hardest slavic language to learn

How to break the ice between me and him?!?

Talk to him about something chuch-related at school, just a random question or something you need to be clarified. You can always do the sterotypical thing and drop something in front of his locker and hope he helps you pick it up :) Your choice

How do I mentally energize myself?

There are a lot of vitamin supplements and foods that will help you raise your energy levels and make you mentally alert and ready to go. Read up on it.

Need some new music! SICK BREAKDOWNS WANTED! ()?

anything along the lines of a day to remember, woe is me, memphis may fire, confide, broadway, oh sleeper, we came as romans), thank you!

My latest NFL mock draft!?

Love it, agree 100% with the Pouncey selection and the Bowers selection, probably the best Mock Draft I've seen so far, I'm creating a YA Mock Draft right now where the YA users make the pick, make sure you vote on that. Rd 1 Pick 1 in progress a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AoZjmpVr.vz.WONl4VmqFzH.DH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20110401145244AAjfmer"http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;…/a

My christmas list!!!!Whats yours?(:?

um im guessing you are rich.. all i wanted for christmas is an xbox 360 and got it, and im still getting a 38 inch plasma high def tv :)


Just go to wikipedia and look up the planets in the solar system and talk about their features and what it was like when you ped by them on your trip. You could talk about how you orbited around Mars, then ped through the asteroid belt, then talk about Jupiter and its amazing moons, and so on until you reach the end and decide to come back home. You can find a lot of good stuff for this report from just googling it and going to wikipedia and looking up the planets and what not. Good luck!

Having rouble beating candice in pokemon platinum , Plz help?

DO NOT USE STARAPTOR, ROSELIA OR GABITE AGAINST THE GYM LEADER!!! Evolve Roselia because its not gonna learn anymore moves now. If you level up Gyarados to Lv. 40-45ish, use Bite on her Frosl and you will be able to take care of her. Vespiquen's Power Gem will also be effective against her Pokemon.

Refinery strikes show the real motives of the EU.?

The neo liberal policies of the EU mean that any corporation can exploit foriegn labour and undercut the workers of example Britain especiallly those who are unionised. This means they can bring workers in from Italy for example who have to stick together as language is a barrier. These workers are usually not unionised or affiliated with a union and are easier to control. Don't people see that this is clic example of corporations/capitalists playing workers against each other. This same scenario could happen in any country depending on economic situation etc. This means that the EU are deliberately undermining trade unions and organised workers all in order to cut costs and add to their profits. They have no morales.

How much Would Uggs Sell for?

Try ebay, and check out the prices sellers are asking for used Ugg boots. Also check the Completed Listings (scroll down the page until you see it on the left hand column) to find out how much the boots were actually sold for, in the last week or so.

I need to get my certificate in manicure i ped my exam in 1989, does any1 no where i send off to for it?

i studied it at thomas danby college in leeds, also hairdressing full time for two yrs, i think it is somwhere in london , but unsure

Do you think this duvet set is ugly?

I got this duvet at bed bath and beyond http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?order_num=-1&SKU=119203&RN=266&BTSMode=true& and I think the lighting in the store made the green parts look different than they look at my house. the green is a lot lighter than in the picture, but I'm looking for another opinion on whether or not I should return it?

The Last 20 Kentucky Derby Winners?

If the last 20 Kentucky Derby Winners all ran in the same derby and each finished according to their actual times, What would the superfecta be?

Can this team contend? 8 Team H2H.?

I think you have a good team you could easy contend for a title you have great sp and rp and you have pujols, utley and holliday. You do know that sheets is on the dl right now and i think that he is a free agent and not with a team because of an elbow injury

How can I reduce the yeasty taste of my homemade bread?

Baking is chemistry. It's not as easy as simply, "Use less yeast." However, if you find the yeast flavor to be overpowering, you might experiment a little with the activation time, (usually about 5 minutes in 80 degree water), or by increasing the sugar/salt to taste. There are also beer breads which are pretty tasty and quick breads which don't use yeast.

Can I put Jojoba Oil on my bird?

So, I have these 5 Zebra Finches (2 parents and 3 chicks) and they keep on picking in the littlest one because he is weak and molting. I am going to separate them into the mom the dad and the molting baby and in the other cage the two brothers. The two brothers completely took off all the feathers on the head and neck!!!!! It's so sad! Now I know Jojoba Oil grows hair ( I bought mine from Whole Foods so it's all natural), but can I put it on my bird?

Omg! why am i so freakin HORNY all the time?

i dono why but im like SUPER HORNY all dayy longg! is there something wrong with me? are other girls like this? Geez! and i dont have a boyfriend or anything so its liike annoying! and when im next to good looking guys i just want to like bang them! but im not soppost to be like this ...im a girl! ughhh! how can i calm myself down!

Why didnt US Govts suport the Republic during the Civil War at Spain?

The Nazi Germany supported Franco with troops and the best of its Luftwaffe, the same did Benito Mussolini.Did USA want the triumph of Nazism?

Have you done the atkins diet and what was the outcome?

I am considering the Atkins Diet, but I want a broad array of opinions before I jump into this. I ONLY want opinions from those who have completed the first phase, and the second. Negative opinions are welcome. Also, how long is the first phase of the diet?

Why di christians think it is alright to teach that the earth is 6000 years old in public schools?

Are they trying to start christian madrasas in the U.S? Creationism is an ault on logic, why don't the atheists fight it more?

The "beau-tiful" pronunciation of beau.....?

my dad and i are arguing about the pronunciation of beau....he says bow, like bow tie, but when people talk about their boyfriend and girlfriend then they pronounce it like boo and write it like beau....why is that. is it just a grammatical error. please set us strait...

Im taking the PSAT tomorrow does anyone have any useful suggestions for me?

one thing ive never been sure about is that if say i have like 30 seconds left before the time is up for that sections and i have like 7 problems left would it be more beneficial to leave those seven blank or like bubble in 'B (or any other letter)" for all seven questions?

You've got to be kidding me... Support please =(?

You probably aren't going to like my answer but here it is. Initially I didn't experience any problems with my wisdom teeth but once they began hurting it only got worse!!! Even if they are willing to perform the surgery on you while you are pregnant what happens if you have bad morning sickness. I myself have thrown up the entire time of each and everyone of my pregnancies. I have had all four of my wisdom teeth removed and it hurts! You can't open your mouth very wide for days depending on how deep into the bone they have to cut. If you are getting morning sickness this isn't going to coincide well with having oral surgery. Also the anesthesia just knocks you out and for a couple days after the surgery you are just spent! It would be tough to deal with having a newborn. I had my teeth removed weeks after my daughter was born and I had to have my mother in law come and stay with us because it was agonizing taking care of the family. My advice to you is make the appointment, do whatever you have to do to get it taken care of then go back to TTC. I know your desire to have a baby, we tried for 5 years before having our first daughter. Just take these next few months to give yourself a break and regroup, get your teeth taken care and then jump back in the game. Hope things get better soon!