Monday, November 7, 2011

Say goodbye to the good ol days and watch your future fade away...john morrison?

I hear you man. I thought that The Miz would fade away just like Marty Jannety and that JoMo would be the next Shawn Michaels (although I believe that nobody could ever match an icon like HBK). But look at it now, Miz is holding the United States Championship & is in a very successful tag-team with the unified tag-team titles. Im also actually starting to mark for The Miz,coz letz face it,he's really good in-ring and on the mic. I hope that JoMo can climb back up the ladder to the days when he was worth giving a title to (IC,ECW), even if it means turning him heel again,but maybe im biased coz im digging the hells more these days. . .

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