Sunday, November 13, 2011

How do I explain to my black female friend that she is acting stupidly?

Yes I know a guy who is a fast learner and everything. He is a living whiz and because he got into Harvard they say because he is black..........its sad all the studying and hard work they make it as they just placed him there. Affirmative action was made because blacks who are highly smart and past the test and requirements still didn't get in and proof was noted because they were black. Thats all it is....not a easy ticket its just saying if we have what we need to succeed like any other race we should be allowed a chance too. I have been searching for a job for six months, I understand I didn't get a job because I may lack the skills. Affirmative action is really give us a chance too if we have the skills and what is needed. Tell her to ignore them and cheer up : )

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