Saturday, November 5, 2011

You've got to be kidding me... Support please =(?

You probably aren't going to like my answer but here it is. Initially I didn't experience any problems with my wisdom teeth but once they began hurting it only got worse!!! Even if they are willing to perform the surgery on you while you are pregnant what happens if you have bad morning sickness. I myself have thrown up the entire time of each and everyone of my pregnancies. I have had all four of my wisdom teeth removed and it hurts! You can't open your mouth very wide for days depending on how deep into the bone they have to cut. If you are getting morning sickness this isn't going to coincide well with having oral surgery. Also the anesthesia just knocks you out and for a couple days after the surgery you are just spent! It would be tough to deal with having a newborn. I had my teeth removed weeks after my daughter was born and I had to have my mother in law come and stay with us because it was agonizing taking care of the family. My advice to you is make the appointment, do whatever you have to do to get it taken care of then go back to TTC. I know your desire to have a baby, we tried for 5 years before having our first daughter. Just take these next few months to give yourself a break and regroup, get your teeth taken care and then jump back in the game. Hope things get better soon!

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