Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Please help! Need ideas to end story?! It's about a war in Iraq?

hows this - the sergeant and connor get in a sticky situation and the sergeant tells connor to get the hell out of their after he was shot and wounded but connor does not listen and wants to stay so the sergeant threatens to shoot him himself if he doesn't leave -so he does but as he's running (maybe killing a few ppl on the way) he decides to turn back but he is captured bye the antagonist or the main "bad guy" of your story so connor goes in to try and save him but is shot and fails and captured. then him and his sergeant are dragged to the middle of a deserted street and the main antagonist screams words of rage or something to his unit and gives connor a gun with one bullet and is told to shoot his sergeant or himself - idk something like that its hard to make a good ending with the information you have given me - you need to make it link and maybe teach a overall lesson or something very shocking - another idea is have more characters than just the sergeant and Connor maybe have a small unit cut off from the rest well anyway good luck

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