Friday, November 11, 2011

Need help with workout nutrition?

i started working a year ago and now lift 15 more lbs and feel alot stronger. anyways my friend said eat 4-6 times a day and dont' work out everyday for better results. i've went from 123-128 in a month and i dont know if this is in fat i do total body workouts every other day can you look at my diet and see if i could change anything. workout day: 1st meal cereal-milk-fruit-oj or milk (or eggs and toast) 6:40 2nd-homemade granola bar with water 11:30 3rd- pb/banana/raisin/jelly/honey and almonds very crunchy sandwich (personal creation) with water 1:40 workout (2:00-4:20) 4th-on whey protein drink 5th supper- 7:30 (cant say what i have but it's usually veg and meat and crap like that) off day: 1st meal-same 2nd-same 3rd-same 4th-supper 7:30 is this ok or should i adjust it sometimes i have a smoothie for breakfast thanks for all your help i dont want to be ugly fat but i want to be muscular thanks for your help (i was fat when i was a little kid i dont use whey in morn just pb/b

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